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Solid Rock

Publicerad 2024-06-11 13:17:02 i Allmänt, Poesi,

Well, I'm hanging on to a solid rock
Made before the foundation of the world
And won't let go, and I can't let go, won't let go
And I can't let go, won't let go, and I can't let go no more.

For me He was chastised, for me He was hated
For me He was rejected by a world that He created
Nations are angry, coursed are some
People are expecting a false peace to come.

Well, I'm hanging on to a solid rock
Made before the foundation of the world
And won't let go, and I can't let go, won't let go
And I can't let go, won't let go, and I can't let go no more.

It's the ways of the flesh to war against the spirit
Twenty-four hours a day you can feel it and you can hear it
Using all the devices under the sun
And He never give up 'til the battle's lost or won.

Well, I'm hanging on to a solid rock
Made before the foundation of the world
And won't let go, and I can't let go, won't let go
And I can't let go, won't let go, and I can't let go no more.
- Bob Dylan, Sold Rock från albumet  Saved 1980 -


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Jag är sjukpensionär pga en whiplashskada. Har alltid läst mycket och skulle inte klara mig utan litteraturens roll i mitt liv. Jag tar emot rec ex (endast fysiska böcker). Vill du komma i kontakt med mig? Mejla mig på [email protected] och om du vill följa min blogg så klicka på RSS-knappen som du finner längst ner på sidan.

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